苏州同花盛鞋业成立于2006年,下属公司有上盐城鹏盛静电科技有限公司、昆山泰盛静电有限公司,同花盛鞋业是一家专业生产防静电产品的无尘室产品的生产企业,已获得国家颁发的特种劳动产品生产许可证,并通过了ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证标准。是上海防静电工业协会的会员单位。公司厂房面积20000平方米,员工近500人。 公司多年来集新技术、新产品研发、产品创新及系列化为一体,已形成洁净及防静电产品的专业生产的经营模式。产品主要应用于电子、医药、生物工程、光学、航天、航空、石油化工等静电毛纺厂的行业。 目前生产的防静电鞋、导电鞋及保护足趾安全鞋(靴)约50多个品种,多达20多个尺码规格;无尘防静电工作服有CLASS10-10000等各种级别,其导电均为日本进口;所生产的防静电电台垫有蓝、浅灰、绿色表面,可根据客户要求的规格进行切割; 公司本着“服务为先、质量为本”的经营宗旨,同花盛时刻准备着为您提供“一站式”防静电及洁净耗材用品的生产的供应。 Suzhou Tabsun Industry was established in 2006, owning enterprises as suzhou tabsun Shoes Co., Ltd & suzhou tabsun Rubber Products Co., Ltd & suzhou tabsun ESD Technology Co., Ltd, which specialize in manufacturing ESD and cleanroom products. got the certification of manufacturing special protective products and passed ISO9001:2000, Tabsun is a leading member of suzhou Electrostatic Protective Industrial also.Company has 10000 SQ.M and owning staff over 450. We had produced 1 million footware and 200 thousand work clothes in 2007. We have been developing various kinds of new products by integrated technology and rich experience, became a professional manufacturer of ESD-control and cleanroom consumable field. Our products are applicable to chemical, optics, semiconductor, etc. There are over 50 styles of static-dissipative shoes, conductive shoes, safety shoes and boots. Size is from 220mm to 300mm and size interval is 5mm. Cleanroom garments is class 10 to 10000 and inside conductive carbon is imported from Japan. The ESD mat has three colors which are green, gray and light blue, can be made size as customers’ requirement, and wiper, gloves also. Now we developed cleanroom ESD chairs, each styles could apply for class 10~100 cleanroom. Service is first, basis on quality is our aim. We will do our best to support you one-stop shopping for all kinds of ESD products & cleanroom disposable on one-time delivery whenever you need us.